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Battle of the Books quiz

Congratulations to Harriet B and Elsie C from Year 10 and Owen P and Florence T from Year 9 for their performance in the YOTO Carnegie ‘Battle of the Books’ quiz on Thursday 20 June at Thomas Mills High School (TMHS), Framlingham.

Representing Ipswich School, they came a very close second place, scoring 74 out of 80, amidst strong competition from other Suffolk schools, working well together as a team. Our pupils won a book and a £5 voucher each.

Pupils had the chance to question Ruth Keys about her experience as a former judge of the awards, participate in some book-related activities, and then watch the live broadcast of the ceremony, where the panel’s and the shadowers’ choices were announced. Thanks to TMHS librarian Beth Vale for hosting
and preparing 80 searching questions about the eight Carnegie books.

“The Battle of the Books was a memorable experience – the quiz itself was enjoyable and it was really interesting watching the actual ceremony and seeing how the book that won the award compared with our own personal favourites. I did enjoy reading several books for the Battle of the Books which I never would have normally selected – I look forward to this opportunity coming round next year!” Florence T

“A particularly fun round was when we were given a quote and a video to support and asked to name which book it was from. All the options were from this year’s shortlist of the Yoto Carnegies. It was a fabulous experience and thoroughly enjoyed by all!” Elsie C

“The quiz was based on the YOTO Carnegie Shortlist for this year, and consisted of 4 rounds, testing us on our knowledge of the plot and the characters in the books, as well as the authors! It was a tight competition, but in the end Ipswich School came away with second place. Thank you so much to the Library team, and Mrs Kafala for organising this event and taking us there.” Harriet B

The eight YOTO Carnegie 2024 shortlisted books are available from the Library for all pupils to borrow over the summer holiday; browse them online via the Library Catalogue.
