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Changes to entrance tests for 2021 entry at Ipswich Prep

We have made some changes to the entrance test for children hoping to join Ipswich Prep in September 2021. Usually we would invite children in for a taster session with us but we have replaced these with remote sessions.

Joining in Reception and Year 1?

You and your child will be invited to an individual Google Meet with a member of our Lower Prep Team. This will give us a chance to meet your child and have a chat with them. Could they please bring a favourite toy with them for us to meet too?

We will also ask your child’s nursery, pre-school or school if they are in Reception, for a brief report about your child’s development and we will ask you to fill out an information sheet about your child too.

Joining in Year 2 through to Year 6?

We will be carrying out online computer based assessments and a writing task in the week commencing Monday 25 January. These online assessments will be made up of age-appropriate questions covering English, Maths and Reasoning.

There will be remote invigilation, which we will give you lots of information about and the children will join the assessments in small groups.

If you have any questions or would like to register your child for one of our entrance sessions, please contact Mrs Kate Frankland, Prep Admissions Manager: or call 01473 281302
