A huge thanks goes to everyone who supported this year’s Giving Day, raising funds to support education at Ipswich School. When the event officially ended at 9pm on Thursday, a massive £88,465 had been raised.
Mrs Brown, Development Director, said: “We have been overwhelmed by the support for the Giving Day both on site, and online! Your valuable contribution to the day enables our school community to help more young people access a wonderful education, stay here when times are tough and look after our historic buildings. Thank you.”
On Wednesday it was own clothes day for Years 9, 10 and 12 and everyone was encouraged to wear clothes appropriate for a workout as period 1 was taken up doing a bootcamp on the field. After a warm up from Ms Denby and her fluorescent lycra-wearing sidekicks Mr Riddick, Dr Wyndham, Dr Kinsman and Mr Halford-Thompson, each form went round the different bootcamp stations run by CCF students who were really motivating and enthusiastic. Everyone had a great time, even in the June heat. There was a cake sale under the library at break time and after school was the music concert and art exhibition to raise money for bursaries which are supporting Ukrainian students.
Overall it was a very rewarding and successful day. Day two saw an own clothes day for Years 7 and 8. There was a popular ice cream sale at lunchtime in the pavilion, with ice lollies donated by Mr Faiers. There was also a tug of war with different teams of teachers at the long jump – the DT Destroyers, made up of Mr Molenaar, Mr Steward, Mrs Carvell and Mr Goodwin, won the event for the second time.
Plus there was musical accompaniment from the staff band ‘The Splinterz’. The money raised was split between three very important causes in order to benefit the school. The Bursary Fund helps to encourage more young people to join the school on fee assistance, the Capital Fund supports the development of the school sites and the Phoenix Hardship Fund is used when we step in to support a family during hardship which can be due to family illness or loss of earnings.
There’s still time to donate, even though the Giving Day has ended. You can go online here: https://ipswichschool.givingday.co.uk/
Article written by Holly M and Phaidra T, Year 10