An idea from a Sixth Form student has resulted in new recycling bins being introduced around school. Green bins are being placed in key locations by the Estates Team, so that all students and staff can recycle items such as cans, plastic bottles and paper and cardboard.
Imogen P from Year 12 spoke to Head of Sixth Form Mr Cliff about improving the recycling points for students. She told the Occasional: “I came up with the idea because of ‘town time’ – I had a Starbucks and went to put it in the bin when I returned here and realised there were no recycling bins. I thought it would be an incredible idea to introduce them here and hope it will set Ipswich apart considering most schools don’t have them.”
Mr Cliff said: “We are delighted to be acting on Immy’s idea and to be improving environmental awareness and waste sorting around school. It shows how anyone at any time can raise an idea with us and expect it to be taken seriously. Now it’s down to everyone to play their part and make sure the correct items go in the correct bins.”
The green recycling bins can be used for all the usual hard plastics, paper/cardboards and cans that people routinely recycle in their homes. But please make sure that no glass, food waste or soft plastics like clingfilm and polythene bags are included. If the trial works, and the correct items go in the correct bins, then it is hoped that we can move to a more permanent scheme with bigger, better green bins.
Ipswich School Sixth Form
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