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Leadership introduction for SeniorPrefects

Last Wednesday (26 June), the newly appointed Senior Prefect team were introduced to the role by Sir Nick Young over breakfast in the headmaster’s study.

Sir Nick, formerly Chief Executive of the British Red Cross and of Macmillan Cancer Relief, gave an insight to the world of leadership passing on knowledge from his experiences from leading global organisations. He spoke about setting a vision and values, effective communication, teamwork and courage as being key areas of leadership.

Sir Nick integrated these with his own real life experiences of leading teams of workers into highly dangerous areas of the world to ensure order. He spoke about a kidnapping in Pakistan which as a leader he had to overcome to ensure peace and safety for his other employees.

The Senior Prefect team thoroughly enjoyed meeting Sir Nick and having many of their questions surrounding leadership answered.

Article written by James W and Laila H, Head Boy and Head Girl, Year 12
