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Lower School presents: Around the World in 80 Days

Audiences needed a boarding pass rather than a ticket for entry to this year’s Lower School play, Around the World in 80 Days, which took place at the end of the summer term on the Great School stage. Probably the largest ever cast for an Ipswich School production – of over 100 pupils from Years 7 and 8 – took part in the show which was based on the book of the same name.

Published in 1873, it is one of Jules Verne’s most celebrated novels.  Phileas Fogg has agreed to an outrageous wager that puts his fortune and his life at risk. With his resourceful servant Passepartout, Fogg sets out to circle the globe in an unheard of 80 days. The story follows the two travellers, who grow to a trio and then a foursome as they fight their way through countless obstacles to reach home in time. But their every step is dogged by a detective who thinks Fogg is a robber on the run. 

This production was particularly special this year, with a large team of staff and students working together from the beginning. The Year 9 Arts Award students took on huge responsibilities, from direction to prop making to stage management, as part of their qualification and they did a sterling job. Well done to all the actors, making their debuts in an Ipswich School production, and thank you to all those staff members and Arts Award students who made it such a success.
