The Ukraine Concert on Wednesday 26th June was an extremely anticipated event that showcased a host of amazing musicians doing what they do best.
A variety of music was played including everything from the Renaissance period to current times. A mixture of current pupils and staff performed, with three recent Old Ipswichians coming back to join in: Sebastian Williams, Alfred Hopkins and Georgia Barraclough. A special mention to those who came back from study leave and also to Mr Weaver, who closed the concert with a performance of Dire Straits’ ‘Brothers in Arms’.
Two Sixth Formers, Diana and Zhenya, gave moving talks to the audience to explain about why the support of Ipswich School for Ukraine was so important. Once the concert had finished, everyone was able to see the exhibition of art from local artists, school members and Ukranian people, with proceeds from the sale of artworks going to the Giving Day bursary appeal.
Souparno L, Luke McG and Jack D, Year 10
Ipswich School General
Welcoming Mr Gregory as the new Head of Ipswich School
As we begin our new academic year, we are delighted to introduce Mr Gregory as the new Head of Ipswich School. Mr Gregory joins us