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Trip Report: Cambridge for Physicists

Last Thursday, a group of lucky Year 11 students went on an extremely exciting trip to the Cavendish Centre on the outskirts of Cambridge.

We arrived in Cambridge at around 1pm and ate a delicious lunch on the sunny green, after which we went to a multitude of interesting talks with many different themes. These ranged from research in Antarctica to learning how to print our names onto pens to learning about Neuro Optics. Each one was interactive meaning after listening to an enthusiastic talk about the topic, we were allowed to have a go ourselves which was fantastic.

One student was able to have a light sensor on his head which monitored how thinking affects the amount of oxygen in our brains, and we were all able to look at nanoparticles through an extremely high specification microscope and experiment with a plasma ball.

Overall it was a fantastic trip which was very interesting and educational but mostly fun. Thank you very much Mr Arthur for taking us to the Cavendish and giving us such a wonderful day.

Flo W, Year 11
