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Trip Report: River exploration for GCSE students

In preparation for our GCSE exams, the Year 11 geography students visited the lovely River Fynn last Monday. We started the trip in the middle course and headed further downstream, measuring the depth, width and velocity of up to five sites.

Most of the students took the opportunity to go in the river, with a pair of waders of course, to use a tape measure and metre ruler to record the width and the depth of the channel. We drew field sketches in the sun of the beautiful landscapes as we went along, in order to gain more detailed data of the sites.

This trip was not just extremely fun, but also crucial to our GCSEs in May as it will feature in the Geography paper three exam. Overall, this trip was an exciting new experience for most of us and allowed us to develop a greater understanding of rivers and their features, bringing to life the work we had been learning in the classroom for the past few weeks.

Thank you to the Geography Department for allowing us this exciting experience.

Poppy S and Flo W, Year 11
