The Origin of the Phoenix Fund
The Phoenix Fund was set up by two brothers, Robert and Roger Porter, who, during their time at the School, would have had to cease their education due to a change in their family’s circumstances.

The Headmaster at the time made the decision that the School would support them through their final two years in the Sixth Form. They both truly appreciate this good fortune and wish to pass it on to the children of today.
It is at these difficult times at home that the stability of School is most important.
Every year we have pupils who need unexpected financial support. Redundancy, illness and a change in circumstances can all mean children’s education at the School could therefore be in jeopardy.
Colin and Matt Scott’s story
Matt and Colin Scott followed in their fathers footsteps and attended Ipswich School from a young age. Devastatingly their father was killed in a farming accident and the boys’ schooling was in jeopardy.
Colin and Matt Scott in their school days Colin and Matt today
It was then that the School stepped in to help. The brothers, now adults with families of their own, have never forgotten this kindness to them and their mother. So, about ten years ago they approached the School with a desire to help others in the same situation.
“We know what the School can help people achieve and wanted to specifically help pupils who lose a parent at a critical time in their education.”
Colin and Matt Scott