Personal Development

Senior School

astoral - Personal Development

One of the distinguishing features of Ipswich School is the emphasis we place on personal development. We firmly believe that academic success must be complemented by the development of self-confidence, inter-personal skills, the ability to work in a team and leadership abilities. These give our pupils the edge when applying for university but, more importantly, they continue to be of immense benefit long after that, in supporting personal relationships and career success. We do not believe that these characteristics are simply ‘caught’, though the ethos of the school certainly helps this to happen. We go beyond this through our assemblies and chapel which help to develop moral and spiritual characteristics, through our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lessons and through a carefully planned programme which includes the Year 8 week in Cumbria, the Year 10 personal development days, leadership training in the Combined Cadet Force, teamwork within the Duke of Edinburgh Award, Community Service, the Sports Leadership programme, opportunities to be peer tutors or prefects, and our Sixth Form International Leadership Programme.

“Pupils leave the school with highly developed personal skills, as confident, emotionally mature young people…” Independent Schools Inspectorate Report 2014

Pupils are encouraged to assume responsibility for their own actions and for working productively with others and there are many opportunities for them to do so in areas such as sport, music and drama. Our School Code, which underpins a strong feeling of community, is based on ‘three Rs’: the importance of Respect for yourself and for others; the willingness to be Responsible for your own actions and to other people; and the Right of every individual to be happy at school within an environment that promotes learning in its widest sense.