Wellbeing Links

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At Ipswich School, we understand the importance of reaching out and asking for help or advice when it comes to mental health. The services below are external charities or organisations that may be able to help young people, parents and families with any mental health or wellbeing concerns. These have been specifically selected by the school as they are professional and reliable sources of information and support.

View our school wellbeing padlet wall here.


An anonymous site which helps young people to feel safe and confident in exploring their concerns and seeking professional support. Find out more here.

ChatHealth Text Service

Text a Suffolk school nurse to ask for help and advice on all kinds of health issues on 07507 333356.

Suffolk Wellbeing Service

Provides a range of support for common emotional wellbeing issues, such as low mood, depression or stress. Call 03001 231503.

Young Minds 24/7

Crisis text messaging service: Text YM to 85258. Further information online.

Hopeline (Papryus)

Young suicide prevention support. Call 08000 684141.

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)

Male suicide prevention charity for men and boys who need to talk to someone privately. Call 0800 585858.

Suffolk Young Carers

Offering all young carers information and support to help make their lives better. Call 01473 835430.

Childline 1-2-1 counsellor chat

Talk to a counsellor online about anything that is bothering you. Click here.

Childline message boards

To share things and chat to other young people. You can start a conversation or join an existing one, and its a great way to get support and offer advice to others. Click here.

Alumina – Self Harm UK

Provides a free, online 6 week course for young people struggling with self-harm (if you are 14 or older), a couple of nights per week by trained counsellors. Find out more here.

Child Bereavement UK

Support for young people that are grieving. Find out more here.