Acquiring the most relevant and up-to-date skills – including programming and the writing of code – to prepare pupils to compete in the modern workplace.
We believe our pupils should be exposed to a variety of technologies, and the latest developments, to ensure they are adequately prepared for a world that is increasingly dependent on the digital environment.
The School has seven ICT suites located around the school. Four departments have specialist suites: Art, DT, Physics and a Modern Languages digital language laboratory. The other suites are for general class use and ICT lessons. There are also laptop safes and class sets of tablets enabling a more mobile level of ICT provision. All pupils have school email and have the opportunity to access files and departmental software using our remote access software from outside the school environment.
Lower School
On arrival into Year 7, pupils are given an induction session, which introduces them to the network, provides them with a school email and teaches them the importance of storing important information securely. Pupils have dedicated ICT lessons, where they learn the basic concepts central to the process of creating software applications. They are taught a range of skills that exploit a variety technology for the learners’ benefit. Learning, at an appropriate level, how to operate in a web-enabled environment as well as how to use code and programming to design simple applications and games. As pupils move into Year 8 (2015-2016), they are introduced to the realities of social networking, web and mobile application development, multi-media technology and, most importantly, how to use technology to work collaboratively and safely.
Middle School
During Year 9 pupils utilise their learnt skills in many of their subject areas to support their learning, whilst also being exposed to many new ICT experiences. In Years 10 and 11, pupils receive ICT lessons as part of the PHSE carousel. Here they will enhance their understanding of available software and develop these skills in all aspects of their future work. Pupils are also learn about the importance of being a responsible digital citizen and gain an understanding of how their digital footprint can impact on their lives.
Sixth Form
Sixth Form pupils are given the opportunity to study Computing, as part of their Enrichment Programme. Where they learn about computers in depth and gain a solid understanding of how computer and network technology works. They study the practical application of computers and develop programming skills.
Throughout all subjects, and in all years, the use of computer technology is very much encouraged and utilised in both lessons and independent study.