BTEC Sport and Exercise Science

Head of Department: Mrs Sarah Carvell

Exam board: Pearson

This Level 3 National Extended Diploma BTEC in Sport and Exercise Science is equivalent to 3 A Levels, both in terms of UCAS tariff points and in teaching contact time.

You will study one A Level subject alongside this BTEC course. This subject cannot be A Level PE.

You will study thirteen units in total. Seven are mandatory units, which include

  • Sport & Exercise Physiology (Exam)
  • Functional anatomy (Exam)
  • Applied sport and exercise psychology (Exam)
  • Field and laboratory fitness testing
  • Coaching for performance and fitness
  • Applied research methods in sport and exercise science
  • Nutrition for sport and exercise performance (Exam)

The six optional units include

  • Biomechanics in sport and exercise science
  • Specialised fitness training
  • Physical activity and individual and group based exercise
  • Technology in sport and exercise science
  • Socio-cultural issues in sport and exercise
  • Sports injury and assessment

There are three types of assessment on this course: assignments (internally assessed) which are practical tasks set in work-related scenarios; tasks (externally assessed) which are practical, work-related scenarios completed in realistic, time-based situations, and written exams, which are also externally assessed. If you successfully complete the qualification you will be awarded an Extended Diploma with grades ranging from PPP to D*D*D*.

The entry criteria for students to study the BTEC course differ slightly from those needed for the traditional A Level programme. You will need six grade 5s at GCSE, including, ideally, a grade 7 in the subject you will be studying as your single A Level subject, or in a relevant subject, eg a grade 7 in Maths if you want to study A Level Business.