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CCF take to the skies

On Wednesday 20th November, 7 CCF cadets and NCOs accompanied by Flt Lt Fred, travelled to RAF Wittering for an exciting day of flying. With good weather conditions forecast for the day ahead, the cadets travelled 2 hours to the RAF station. Upon arrival we were welcomed and met by our instructors, who talked us through an important safety briefing, including the necessary parachute training, before being allowed to fly. Then it was time to get kitted out with flying suits, leather gloves, and an important helmet) fitted with a microphone that enabled us to communicate with our pilot during the flight). With excitement and nerves building, it was finally time to pair up with our pilots.

Our pilot then escorted us to the Grob Tutor T1 aeroplane. The side by side seating arrangement meant we could interact with our pilot whilst in the air and the large cockpit canopy provided an excellent all-round view on such a sunny, clear day. Once up in the air, we were given the opportunity to fly the plane ourselves. The pilot also showed us how to do aerobatics, flying the aircraft upside down and in loop-the-loops using precise control. The feeling of being upside down with the effects of G-forces was something that none of us had ever experienced, resulting in some queasiness, but also exhilaration ! It was an incredible opportunity and one for which all of us are extremely grateful and enjoyed immensely.
Many thanks to the pilots at RAF Wittering and Flt Lt Fred from the cadets who experienced an unforgettable day of flying.

Lucia P & Ellie R, Year 13
