Last Wednesday the Ipswich School Combined Cadet Force (CCF) headed out on the long awaited overnight field day. After three years of cancellations due to Covid and other factors, the whole contingent boarded buses on Wednesday evening and made its way to the training area on RAF Barnham
Wednesday evening presented the first challenge of an eventful trip. With it rapidly getting darker, and snow coming down, cadets had the task of setting up their bashas for the night ahead and cooking up rations to make sure everyone stayed warm while outside. The Year 11 Army platoon and five NCOs braved the cold overnight, staying out in well below freezing conditions. Despite the tough conditions, the group faced both the evening and following day with spirit, pushing through the tough weather.
Unfortunately the Year 10 Army platoon, as well as the RAF section, were later forced to relocate indoors, due to the severity of the conditions. Thursday was a clear demonstration of the Cadet core value of overcoming adversity. In this case, every plan was challenged by less than ideal weather conditions, yet, headed up by a strong team of NCOs and Officers, cadets largely kept spirits high, and successfully persevered through adapted activities.
Despite having been forced to cancel the night exercise the night prior, RAF and Army cadets showed great commitment in completing the ‘March in March’, covering significant distances around the perimeter to raise money for the charity. RAF Cadets also completed training led by Wing Cdr Morgan on the construction of observation posts and consolidated their leadership skills under the watch of Mr Faiers and his NCOs leading the command task stand. This allowed them to put into practise skills developed over past months. Cadets also enjoyed the opportunity to employ their principles of movement through the laser stand, set in the former bomb dump.
Finally, Year 11 had the opportunity to learn some combat first aid under the instruction of Sgt Sanderson, undoubtedly providing some skills that will be carried forward well into the future. For the Army section, both Year 10s and 11s continued to persevere through the undesirable conditions on Thursday, showing an incredible display of commitment. The Year 11s worked consistently on their section attack drills, with some cadets taking roles as section commanders, displaying their impressive leadership skills in conducting an attack on the enemy. The effort being put in was made evident by a certain cadet’s shredded trousers, an amusing display of the profound exertion amidst the group.
The Year 10 platoon also faced the harsh weather, practising many of the skills they have acquired, such as fire and manoeuvre drills, reaction to effective enemy fire drills, as well as patrolling the training area. The Army performed well, with a motive to impress Major Ian Robinson MBE, our Inspection Officer, who watched some of their drills. He was very impressed by the standard of their performance.
All in all, the field day was hugely successful in displaying the strength of the school’s CCF, and its members who were able to display sheer resilience and unwavering dedication. A massive thank you from the entire contingent goes out to all the officers, especially to Squadron Leader Welbourne, WO1 Rackham, Captain Ross and Flt Lt Fred for their commitment to making a memorable overnight field day happen, in spite of the continually changing plans, which were so skilfully overcome.
Anya K (RAF) and Phoebe V (Army), Year 12