Anxiety is quite common and there have been many reports in the news that over the pandemic,especially due to lockdown, isolation and uncertainty, anxiety levels have risen in young people.
Over the course of our lives many of us will experience mental health symptoms which may be fleeting or we may need help from others to recover from. Knowing that there will be other people who are experiencing similar symptoms can help us not feel alone, and online content explaining people’s experience can be helpful to read about. However it could also make us more focused on that part of our experience and lead us to lots of negative thoughts.
Stress can lead to anxiety if we feel overwhelmed and this lasts for too long, but the stress response can also be useful as it spurs us to action. For instance, it may help us to focus on revision instead of being distracted by other things.
Being aware of ourselves is useful as we can help ourselves by getting fresh air and exercise, which lifts our mood, and by making sure we eat and get enough rest and sleep even when we are busy.
It is a sign of strength to talk to someone when we begin to feel overwhelmed and often bringing things into the open and talking about them helps us to see a way through or gain a bigger perspective.
Mrs Smith, Head of Psychology
Where to get more help
Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop.
The Mix is the UK’s free, confidential helpline service for young people under 25 who need help, but don’t know where to turn. 0808 808 4994
Young Minds provides information, advice and training for young people, parents, carers and professionals.
Ditch The Label helps young people navigate through issues related to bullying, such as improving mental health, body image, coming out and building confidence and self-esteem.