A Sixth Form pupil
8:30 am: Having caught my bus at around 7.00am, I’m now in my tutor group where I am notified of any important messages, then head to House Assembly.
9:05 am: I begin lessons with double physical education where we are currently learning about biomechanics. I like how PE integrates physics into sport and explains how elite athletes perform to such a high standard.
10:30 am: Breaktime and usually people purchase items from the tuck shop at the Sixth Form Centre such as the cookies (they’re very good!).
10:50 am: It’s ICT and I enjoy working with computers and have improved my knowledge of social media channels and my use of Photoshop and InDesign.
12:20 pm: This is a single lesson of psychology where we are learning about mental health.
1:00 pm: At lunchtime I go to the sixth form dining hall. Afterwards I chat with friends before visiting the Model House of Commons which is a club where a student-led team talks about political issues.
2:00 pm: It’s Activities and usually I will play my favourite sport rugby, however now the season has ended I am doing Athletic Development.
4:15 pm: I arrive back at school and get on my bus for the journey home. After some relaxation, I complete PSC before preparing my bag for the next day.
A Sixth Form pupil
8:40am: After arriving by bus I register and then have a sixth form chapel service, this provides an opportunity to focus on a philosophical topic, away from school work and prepares us for the day ahead.
9:00am: My school day begins with double chemistry, where we are learning our organic module and completing a required practical on oxidising alcohols. With A-level chemistry we are given more responsibility handling chemicals and apparatus.
10:50am: After break time I have a double geography lesson, we are currently working on our non-examined assessments which requires independent study on a chosen topic, completing field work and developing presentation skills.
12:15pm: I have a free lesson before lunch and I usually do personal and prefect administration, and begin PSC (homework).
We have lunch in our sixth form dining room with many options of meat, fish, vegetarian or sandwiches.
2:00pm: I change into sports kit during lunch and if there’s some free time my friends and I go into town. We head to the astro for our games afternoon where I do Athletic Development which is a strength and fitness focused programme. I especially like the fact that it is run as a mixed gender session.
4:15pm: The school provides numerous co-curricular activities. As part of the first XI hockey team we have after school team training and open sessions that take place throughout the summer term. After this I head home to finish my PSC.