Latest from Ipswich School

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Physics has the Xfactor

Last Tuesday saw the final of the Ipswich School PhysiXfactor competition – live and dangerous under the library during lunch break.

Students in Years 7 and 8 have each been working hard to produce a model and a poster to demonstrate an idea from Physics. This year the range of entries was as exciting as ever with students showing the effects of centripetal forces, ionising radiation on the atmosphere and tensegrity in action.

Joel R won the Year 7 prize with his Archimedes’ screw, with Amelia H (pulleys) and Imogen H (refraction) coming in second and third. Lucy P and Amelia Q from Year 8 took first and second prizes respectively for their year group.

Look out for the regional final to be held at the end of June in Kesgrave.

Mr Arthur, Head of Physics
