Ghyll scrambling was on! The forms waiting for their turn at ghyll scrambling cheered as it was announced that this would be going ahead now that the water level had subsided.
We scrambled down the Stoneycroft Ghyll – jumped into pools, shimmied down the bends and floated on our backs through the channels. Teamwork was essential as we were only as fast as the last person, and all had to pass back the exact instructions down the line. It was an exhilarating experience for all and we were immensely proud of the children’s gusto and courage – matched by their ability to listen, help each other and splash Mr Strange…
Meanwhile another group took their turn at canoeing. It was a wet day in (with quite a few capsizing!) and out of the water but a highlight for many. Pupils learnt to paddle, turn, accelerate and balance – some found the balancing more challenging than others!
And for the other forms it was their day to embark upon their epic mountain hikes. Bleaberry Fell was tackled; with mountains of rain lashing down all morning and afternoon, the day was a true test of character. However, all students rose to the challenge. Boots were wet; socks were wet; T-shirts and trousers were wet, but our spirits couldn’t be dampened. Hope and Leila kept us all entertained with various Disney singalongs, culminating with a lengthy rendition of ‘100 Green Bottles’.
For the other group, Catbells was the order of the day. The group were joined by Jim and his dog Saffa.The weather deteriorated and it started blowing a hooley which tested our grit, determination and resilience. This didn’t deter the group from reaching the summit and enjoying the triumph.
Meanwhile another group reached the top of Latrigg summit in an epic 13.7 mile circuit. Wet but undefeated – well done to all!