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Time to Talk Day

Thursday 1 February is Time To Talk Day, the country’s biggest mental health conversation, and with the day’s 10th anniversary this year, the biggest conversation so far is set to take place.

At Ipswich School we interviewed lots of people about mental health with the big question being: “Who is your favourite person to talk to?” 85% of males said that their favourite person to talk to is another male, however many don’t feel like they can confess their true feelings, in the fear of not being manly enough. The aim of Time To Talk Day is to make people feel that they are in a community where they can share any issues that they have. Every gender, every race and everybody deserves to have a space where they can get things off their chest and talk.

So, to help out, head over to, or simply talk to someone who is looking sad. Mental health is one of the world’s biggest problems, but with one of simplest solutions – talking.

Adam C and Alex K, Year 10
