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CS Drama performs to schools

In CS Drama, we have been performing our rendition of Alice in Wonderland to schools across Ipswich during the Thursday afternoon activity sessions. Written by the members of the CS Drama team, the show travels with Alice through Wonderland as she follows the curious White Rabbit, with help from characters such as Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter and March Hare, and the card guards.

The show demonstrates the changes in size that Alice experiences through giant puppets (such as the Caterpillar) and a tiny Alice made by Mrs Green, as well as a deconstructed Cheshire Cat. The show starts with a workshop, colouring in paper mice puppets with the children, which are then used later in the play to free Alice after she is wrongly convicted of stealing the Queen’s jam tarts!

So far we have been to three schools, most recently the Bridge School, and we have greatly enjoyed performing to the children at each one. we look forward to going to the Prep for our final performance.

Grey C-B, Year 11
