Our wonderful catering team has once again successfully won the CAP Gold Award. In order for them to receive such a prestigious award, they have to maintain the high standards of having a high quality of food, hygiene, customer service and general cleanliness. This is the fifth gold award they have achieved, and it was the result of an unannounced inspection by a CAP (Continuous Advancement Programme)
inspector. As part of the inspection, they tried the food in the Senior School, Prep School and at Westwood, as well as speaking to staff and pupils, and checking the health and safety paperwork and
training logs.
Mr Brace and Miss Fullam from the Catering Team said the inspector was “extremely thorough” and said the award was important as it “drives the team to keep being the best and delivering a great service.” The award was introduced to Ipswich School by the former Catering Manager Lisa Benn, and next year the team hopes to achieve the platinum level award. Ipswich School has five kitchens in total, including ones at The Lodge and Ipswich School Sports Centre, and all have 5 star ratings from Environmental Health.
The most popular food served at lunch includes chicken joe wraps and pizzas, while the brunch on Friday was described as going down well, judging by the number of empty plates going through the dishwasher! We asked the team managers for their signature dishes, with Miss Fullam’s being a Greek lamb tray bake, Mr Brace enjoying a tiramisu and Head Chef Mr Benn saying “anything on a barbie.”
As we’re sure you all know, our wonderful catering team all deserve this wonderful award as a result of the constantly delicious dishes that they work hard to serve to us everyday.
Flo W and Poppy S, Year 10