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Lower School Concert

On Friday 10 November, the Lower School Concert included some fabulous shout songs as well as soloists and ensembles, all from Year 7 and 8 pupils.

The Year 7s sang Winter Carol, Climb Higher and Amazing an amazing song for amazing pupils! There were some great harmonies from the Lower School Choir and we were pleased to welcome some older students who helped out in some ensembles and in the bands to make the concert one of the best. Classics such as the Mission Impossible and Pirates of the Caribbean themes were enjoyed by the audiences, and the concert had many highlights including the soloists who inspired everyone with their performances.

Thank you to all who donated at the end to our charity for this term, LendWithCare. Thank you also to all of the amazing Britten Faculty of Music for organising such an exciting event. This Lower School Concert was memorable and we look forward to participating in more concerts in the future!

Sophie L, Florence W, Maira A-G, Year 7 Junior Journalists
