Over the previous two weeks we have held the annual inter-form Maths Challenges for Year 7 and Year 8.
Teams of four from each form battled it out against one another in a cross number activity where they had to solve clues in two pairs; one using the across clues, the other using the down clues, both coming together to fill in a combined answer grid.
Marks were awarded for accuracy and we are pleased to congratulate the winners, 8E and 7D! Full placings for Year 8 were 8E, 8F, 8B, 8D, 8C and 8A and for Year 7 were 7D, 7C, 7A and 7B. Well done for all those who participated and contributed to the Cardinal Cup points tally.
Article written by Dr Sterno, Maths Teacher
Ipswich School General
Welcoming Mr Gregory as the new Head of Ipswich School
As we begin our new academic year, we are delighted to introduce Mr Gregory as the new Head of Ipswich School. Mr Gregory joins us