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Lower School maths competition

Over the previous two weeks we have held the annual inter-form Maths Challenges for Year 7 and Year 8.

Teams of four from each form battled it out against one another in a cross number activity where they had to solve clues in two pairs; one using the across clues, the other using the down clues, both coming together to fill in a combined answer grid.

Marks were awarded for accuracy and we are pleased to congratulate the winners, 8E and 7D! Full placings for Year 8 were 8E, 8F, 8B, 8D, 8C and 8A and for Year 7 were 7D, 7C, 7A and 7B. Well done for all those who participated and contributed to the Cardinal Cup points tally.

Article written by Dr Sterno, Maths Teacher
