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Wolsey play to inspire Lower School lecture

During lunchtime on Friday 17 November, members of the Lower School History Club were given the great honour of having a visit from a local theatre group who have written and performed a play about the life of Cardinal Wolsey.

We were treated to two scenes from the play, by Suzanne Hawkes, which is based upon the biography of
Wolsey by his long term servant George Cavendish. Further to the scenes, we were given speeches by the three characters, playing the parts of Mary Boleyn, Bessie, Wolsey’s housekeeper, and Thomas Cromwell. The actors explained their characters and their relationship to Wolsey.

It was fascinating to hear the characters speak and to explain how they felt about Wolsey throughout his life, including his meteoric rise to power and his spectacular fall from grace. The Lower School History Club have been researching the life of Ipswich School’s most famous student since the summer term last year. As part of this research they have visited the School Archives several times, been to the Wolsey exhibition at the Hold in Ipswich town centre as well as conducting their own research during Friday lunchtimes.

Hearing the characters in the play act out their scenes and listening to them talk about Wolsey the time really helped to elevate the pupils’ understanding of this controversial character. The actors ended their performance by paying respect to Wolsey and his educational legacy, for which Ipswich School was a starting point. The students were given an opportunity at the end of the performance to ask questions, which the actors answered. On leaving, the actors noted how impressed they were with the students’ interesting and thoughtful questions. Sam B in Year 8 said that it was a great experience and really helped build understanding. Lily B, also in Year 8, also expressed her thanks for this unique and memorable opportunity.

The Lower School History Club and Miss Manson would like to thank the actors of the Life of Cardinal Wolsey Play and Miss Grant for organising this amazing opportunity. If you are interested in learning more about Wolsey and his connections to Ipswich School, please keep the date of Monday 11 December
free as there will be an academic lecture on this topic delivered by the History Club students and Miss Manson.

Miss Manson, History Teacher
