Clear, comprehensive and timely.
The better informed parents are about their child and about activities at school, the better able they are to support their child’s development.
At Ipswich School we take communication very seriously and try to keep parents fully informed about school life. Parents receive regular updates on their child’s progress. In the Prep this means regular parents’ evenings and written reports as well as an open door policy where parents can pop in for a meeting at a mutually convenient time. In the Senior School, effort and attainment grades are produced twice a term, which show how your child is performing in each subject; there are also two full reports each year and a parents’ evening. provides all parents with on-line access to essential information. This includes your child’s timetable, the latest sports results, attendance records and revision guides for senior school pupils. There is an interactive calendar that allows you to select all the events your child takes part in and even provides details about team lists, pick up and collection times, helping make your life as a parent that little bit easier.
Parents receive regular on-line magazines summarising events that have taken place in school. Prep News and the Senior School’s Occasional journals provide a comprehensive round up of activities that have taken place throughout the preceding few days.
Teachers are available via email or telephone should parents want to have a more detailed discussion about their child.
Through this communication we aim to build strong relationships with parents as we believe that the parent, school, pupil ‘triangle’ is of central importance to a successful, fulfilling and happy education. We do appreciate just how busy many of our parents are, so we try to maximise the effectiveness of our communication and make it as timely as possible.
Good communication between parents, pupils and teachers is the foundation of effective learning.
All our aims and values can be read here.